23/03/24 - SATURDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Annual Examination for students of STD 6-9. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Annual Examination Starts from Monday (01/04/2024) for STD 6-8 and Tuesday (02/04/2024) for STD 9 .
12/03/24 - TUESDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Annual Examination for students of STD 1-5. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Annual Examination Starts from Monday (01/04/2024).
09/03/2024 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 7 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (15/03/24).
02/03/2024 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 6 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (08/03/24).
24/02/2024 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 5 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (01/03/24).
19/02/2024 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Annual Examination Blueprint and portions for students of JKG & SKG under Exam Portions of your class.
19/02/2024 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the MidTerm - 3 Examination Timetable, Blueprint and portions for students of STD 6-9 under Exam Portions.
17/02/2024 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 4 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (23/02/24).
08/02/24 - THURSDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Term - 3 Unit test 1 for students of STD 1-5. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Term - 3 Unit test 1 will start from Monday (12/02/24).
05/02/2024 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the MidTerm - 3 Examination Timetable, Blueprint and portions for students of JKG & SKG under Exam Portions.
27/01/2024 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 3 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (02/02/24).
22/01/2024 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Lesson Allotment, Test Schedule, Homework Schedule and Activity Schedule for Term - 3 for the respective classes under Planner section (2023-24). Kindly follow accordingly.
21/01/2024 - SUNDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 2 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (26/01/24).
05/01/2024 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 3 Activity 1 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Monday (08/01/24).
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the MidTerm - 3 Examination Portions and Blueprint for students of JKG & SKG.
23/12/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Half Yearly Holiday Activity for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on Tuesday (02/01/24).
08/12/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, As per Government Instructions, School will reopen on Monday (11/12/23). Half Yearly Examination will start from Monday (11/12/2023) for students of STD 3-10, Tuesday (12/12/2023) for students of STD 1&2, Wednesday (13/12/2023) for students of JKG & SKG . School will be a full working day. Revision will be given in the morning.
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Half Yearly Examination. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class.
01/12/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 7 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Monday (11/12/23).
27/11/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 6 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (01/12/23).
20/11/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Half Yearly Examination Portions and Blueprint for students of JKG & SKG.
17/11/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 5 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (24/11/23).
09/11/23 - THURSDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Midterm - 2 Examination for students of STD 6 -9. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Midterm - 2 Examination will start from Monday (20/11/23).
03/11/23 - FRIDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Term - 2 Unit test 1 for your students of STD 1-5. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Term - 2 Unit test 1 will start from Monday (06/11/23).
01/11/2023 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Term - 2 MidTerm - 2 Examination Timetable, Blueprint & Portions for students of JKG & SKG.
23/10/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 3 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (27/10/23).
13/10/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 2 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (20/10/23).
11/10/2023 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Lesson Allotment, Test Schedule, Homework Schedule and Activity Schedule for Term - 2 for the respective classes under Planner section (2023-24). Kindly follow accordingly.
07/10/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Term - 2 Activity 1 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (13/10/23).
05/10/2023 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Term - 2 MidTerm - 2 Examination Portions for students of JKG & SKG.
27/09/2023 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Holiday Activity for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on Tuesday (03/10/23).
11/09/23 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Quarterly Examination for students of STD 1-10. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Quarterly Examination will start from Tuesday (19/09/23).
15/09/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 10 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (15/09/23).
04/09/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 9 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (08/09/23).
28/08/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have uploaded the Quarterly examination Portions for students of JKG & SKG.
25/08/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 8 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (01/09/23).
24/08/2023 - THURSDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Term - 1 Unit Test 2 for students of STD 1-7 . Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Term - 1 Unit Test 2 will start from Monday (28/08/23).
19/08/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 7 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (25/08/23).
12/08/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 6 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (18/08/23).
04/08/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 5 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (11/08/23).
28/07/2023 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 4 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (04/08/23).
26/07/2023 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable and Portions for the MidTerm - 1 Examination (2023-24) for students of STD 8 & 9. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class.
MidTerm - 1 Examination will start for STD 8 from Monday (31/07/23).
MidTerm - 1 Examination will start for STD 9 from Tuesday (01/08/23).
22/07/2023 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 3 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (28/07/23).
17/07/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 2 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (21/07/23).
10/07/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Portions and Blueprint for Midterm - 1 (2023-24) for students of JKG & SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
10/07/2023 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity 1 for students of JKG & SKG. Submit the activity on or before Friday (14/10/23).
07/07/23 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Portions and Blueprint for Term - 1 Unit Test -1 (2023-24) for students of STD 1-7. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
23/06/23 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Portions and Blueprint for Term - 1 (2023-24) for students of JKG & SKG. Check the Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
14/06/23 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Lesson Allotment, Test Schedule, Homework Schedule and Activity Schedule for Term - 1 for the respective classes under Planner section (2023-24). Kindly follow accordingly.
27/05/23 - SATURDAY
Dear parents,
School reopens on Wednesday (07/06/2023) for students of SKG to STD 10. It will be a half working day. Timing: 9:00 a.m. to 11.50 a.m.
Guru Dakshina will be held on Saturday, 10th June 2023 at 9.00 a.m. Regular classes will start from Monday (12-06-2023)
10/03/23 - FRIDAY
We have updated the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for the Annual Examination for your child of STD 1-5. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Annual Examination will start from Monday (03/04/23).
10/03/23 - FRIDAY
We have uploaded the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Term - 3 Unit Test 2 for students of STD 1-7. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Examination will start from Monday (13/03/23) for STD 1-5 and for students of STD 6 & 7 the examination will start from Friday(17/03/23).
03/03/23 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Annual Examination for your child of JKG & SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class. Annual Examination starts from Tuesday (21/03/23).
07/02/23 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Portions and Blueprint for Term - 3 Unit Test - 1 for students of STD 1-7. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your respective classes.
02/02/23 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Portions and Blueprint for MidTerm - 3 Examination for your child of JKG & SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
05/01/23 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Lesson Allotment, Test Schedule, Homework Schedule and Activity Schedule for Term - 3 for the respective classes under Planner section. Kindly follow accordingly.
Dear Parents, We have updated the Portions for Mid Term - 3 Examination for your child of JKG and SKG. Check the Portions under Exam portions of your class.
06/12/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Portions and Blueprint for Half Yearly Examination for your child of STD 1-10. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
29/11/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable and Blueprint along with the Portions for Half Yearly Examination for your child of JKG and SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
29/11/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable and Blueprint along with the Portions for Half Yearly Examination for your child of JKG and SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
23/11/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Portions for Half Yearly Examination for your child of JKG and SKG. Check the Portions under Exam portions of your class.
10/11/22 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, MidTerm - 2 Examination will start for STD 1- 7 from Tuesday (15/11/2022) and for STD 8 - 10 from Monday (14/11/2022).
07/11/22 - MONDAY
We have updated the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for the Term - 2 Unit Test - 1 Examination for students of STD 1-7. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. Term - 2 Unit Test - 1 Examination will start from Tuesday (15/11/22).
We have updated the Portions for the MidTerm - 2 Examination for students of STD 8 - 10. Check under Exam Portions Section of your class. MidTerm - 2 Examination dates will be announced later for students of STD 8 - 10. Utilize this time to prepare for your exam.
02/11/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions for Mid Term - 2 Examination for your child of JKG and SKG. Check the Timetable, Blueprint and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
15/10/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Activity Schedule for Term - 2 for the respective classes under Planner section. Kindly follow accordingly.
14/10/22 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Portions for Mid Term - 2 for students of JKG and SKG. Check the Portions under Exam portions of your class.
11/10/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Lesson Allotment, Test Schedule and Homework Schedule for Term - 2 for the respective classes under Planner section. Kindly follow accordingly.
15/09/22 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Quarterly Examination for students of STD 1 - 10. Check the Quarterly Examination Timetable, Blue Print and Portions under Exam portions of your class.
12/09/22 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Quarterly Examination for students of JKG & SKG. Check the Quarterly Examination Timetable, Blue Print and Portions under Exam portions of your class. Quarterly Examination will start from Thursday (22/09/22).
30/08/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Wednesday (31/08/2022) is a holiday on account of Vinayagar Chatuthri.
23/08/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Unit Test - II Examination will start from Monday (29/08/22) for students of STD 1-7. Timetable is given under Important announcements section and Exam portions is given under Exam portion section in your classes respectively.
18/08/22 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, There will be Parents Teachers Meeting for STD 9 and 10 on 20/08/2022 (Saturday). It is compulsory for all the parents to attend the meeting to know your child's Academic Performance. Parents can meet the teachers between 9:30 A.M and 1:30 P.M.
02/08/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Midterm - I Examination will start from Monday (08/08/22) for students JKG & SKG. Timetable is given under Important announcements section and Exam portions is given under Exam portion section in your classes respectively.
16/07/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, Midterm - I Examination will start from Monday (18/07/22) for students of STD 1-7. For students of STD 8-10 Midterm - I examination is postponed to Monday (25/07/22).
15/06/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Guru Dakshina Programme will be held on Saturday (18/06/2022) for students of JKG.
Timings: 10:30 a.m
11/06/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, School reopens for students of STD 1-10 on Monday (13/06/2022) for the Academic year 2022-23. Monday will be a half working day.
Timings: 9:00 a.m-12:10 p.m
01/06/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, We have started to issue books and uniform material. School Badge is also available.
30/04/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated the Revision - 3 Examination mark sheet for students of STD 10 under Marks Section of March month of your class. Congratulations to all the toppers!!
12/04/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Annual Examination results for JKG and SKG will be announced on Wednesday (13/04/22) at 9:00 a.m. It is compulsory to come and collect the result on the allotted day and time.
Dear Parents, We have updated the Revision - 2 Examination Marksheet for students of STD 10 under Marks Section of March month. Congratulations to all the Toppers!!
26/03/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, Annual Exam will start from Wednesday (30/03/22) for students of JKG & SKG. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Annual Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, JKG மற்றும் SKG மாணவர்களுக்கான முழு ஆண்டுத் தேர்வு வருகின்ற 30/03/22 (புதன்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. முழு ஆண்டுத் தேர்வு கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
19/03/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated the Revision - 1 Examination mark sheet for students of STD 10 under Marks Section of February month of your class. Congratulations to all the toppers!!
08/03/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Students, We have updated the Midterm - 3 Examination mark sheet for students of STD 1-9 under Marks Section of February month in your respective classes. Congratulations to all the toppers!!
17/02/22 - THURSDAY
As School re-opens on Monday (21/02/22), Students of JKG & SKG will not have YouTube Live, Google Meet classes, Activity & Assignments from Friday (18/02/22).
Friday (18/02/22) and Saturday (19/02/22) will be a holiday due to Election. School will resume from Monday (21/02/22).
Activity for SKG for Thursday (17/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
16/02/22 - WEDNESDAY
Activity for JKG for Wednesday (16/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
Dear Parents, Assignment - 16 has been updated for students of JKG and SKG in February Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment - 16 on Monday (21/02/22) when they come to school.
15/02/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, School re-opens on 21.02.22 (Monday) for JKG & SKG. It will be a half working day from 21.02.22 to 28.02.22. Wearing Mask is compulsory. Timing 9:00 A.M. TO 12:10 P.M. Your child must bring Snacks & Sufficient water everyday.
Dear Parents, Students of STD 1 - 9 will have full working day from 21.02.22. Bring Lunch & Sufficient water. Timing: 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.
Dear Parents, Midterm - 3 Exam will start from Monday (21/02/22) for students of STD 1 - 9. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Midterm - 3 Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, STD 1 - 9 மாணவர்களுக்கான மூன்றாம் இடை பருவத்தேர்வு வருகின்ற 21/02/22 (திங்கள்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. தேர்வுக்கான கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் மூன்றாம் இடை பருவத் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Activity for SKG for Tuesday (15/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
14/02/22 - MONDAY
Activity for JKG for Monday (14/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
12/02/22 - SATURDAY
Activity for SKG for Saturday (12/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG, February Week 3 (14/02/22 to 16/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, February Week 3 (15/02/22 to 17/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
11/02/22 - FRIDAY
Activity for JKG for Friday (11/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
10/02/22 - THURSDAY
Activity for SKG for Thursday (10/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
09/02/22 - WEDNESDAY
Activity for JKG for Wednesday (09/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
Dear Parents, Assignment - 15 has been updated for students of JKG and SKG in February Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 15 on Monday (14/02/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
08/02/22 - TUESDAY
Activity for SKG for Tuesday (08/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
07/02/22 - MONDAY
Activity for JKG for Monday (07/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
06/02/22 - SUNDAY
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG, February Week 2 (07/02/22 to 11/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, February Week 2 (08/02/22 to 12/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
05/02/22 - SATURDAY
Third Generation State level Competition
Drawing and Handwriting Competition will be conducted on Monday (07/02/22) for students of JKG, SKG and STD 1-9. Materials for the competition will be provided by the school (JKG & SKG Parents must collect the materials from school).
Activity for SKG for Saturday (05/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
04/02/22 - FRIDAY
Activity for JKG for Friday (04/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
02/02/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 14 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in February Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 14 on Monday (07/02/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
Activity for JKG for Wednesday (02/02/22) is updated in February month under Activity Section. Activity will be checked during online class.
Google Meet classes will be conducted everyday for JKG & SKG, starting from Thursday (03/02/22)
01/02/22 - TUESDAY
Activity for SKG for Tuesday (01/02/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
31/01/22 - MONDAY
Dear Students, We have updated the Half Yearly Examination mark sheet for students of STD 1-10 under Marks Section of January month in your respective classes.
Assignments and Activity for STD 1-5 for Monday (31/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for JKG for Monday (31/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
29/01/22 - SATURDAY
School will reopen on Tuesday (01/02/2022) for students of STD 1 - 10. Follow the Timings what was followed during the month of November or click below to view the Timings and Classroom details.
Assignments and Activity for STD 6-10 for Saturday (29/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for SKG for Saturday (29/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG, February Week 1 (31/01/22 to 04/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, February Week 1 (01/02/22 to 05/02/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
28/01/22 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, As school is reopening on Tuesday (01/02/2022), Parents Teachers Meeting will be conducted on Saturday (29/01/2022) for students of STD 1-10, JKG & SKG. For the students of STD 1-10, Half Yearly Exam marks will not be displayed unless Parents meet the Teachers.
Timings: 9A.M - 3P.M
Assignments and Activity for STD 1-5 for Friday (28/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for JKG for Friday (28/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
27/01/22 - THURSDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 6-10 for Thursday (27/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for SKG for Thursday (27/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
26/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Saturday (29/01/22), Parents Teachers Meeting will be conducted for students of SKG and STD 6-10. Monday (31/01/22), Parents Teachers Meeting will be conducted for students of JKG and STD 1-5. Half Yearly Exam marks will not be displayed for STD 1-10 unless Parents meet the Teacher.
Timings: 9A.M - 3P.M
26/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 13 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in January Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 13 on Monday (31/01/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
25/01/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, From Monday (31/01/22) important messages will be forwarded to you through school WhatsApp also, so that you don't forget to check the E-Learning portal. Please save the School WhatsApp no. 9360017158 in your mobile. If the mobile number is not saved, you will not receive any messages.
25/01/22 - TUESDAY
Dear students, Pre-Revision Examination will start from Monday (31/01/22). Find the Timetable, Timing and portions under Exam portions section of your class.
Assignments and Activity for STD 6-10 for Tuesday (25/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for SKG for Tuesday (25/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
24/01/22 - MONDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 1-5 for Monday (24/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for JKG for Monday (24/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
22/01/22 - SATURDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 6-10 for Saturday (22/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for SKG for Saturday (22/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG, January Week 4 (24/01/22 to 28/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, January Week 4 (25/01/22 to 29/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
21/01/22 - FRIDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 1-5 for Friday (21/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for JKG for Friday (21/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
20/01/22 - THURSDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 6-10 for Thursday (20/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for SKG for Thursday (20/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
19/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Assignments and Activity for STD 1-5 for Wednesday (19/01/22) is updated under Assignments and Homework Section of your respective classes. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
Activity for JKG for Wednesday (19/01/22) is updated under Activity Section. Activity and Assignments will be checked during online class.
19/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 12 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in January Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 12 on Monday (24/01/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
14/01/22 - FRIDAY
Online classes for JKG, STD 1-5 starts from Wednesday (19/01/2022) and SKG, STD 6-10 starts from Thursday (20/01/2022). Check your Online class Timings and Timetable under Online class Timetable section of your respective classes.
14/01/22 - FRIDAY
We the Management, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of St. Joseph's Academy Matriculation School, wishes all the children a very Happy Pongal!
13/01/22 - THURSDAY
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG, January Week 3 (19/01/22 to 21/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, January Week 3 (20/01/22 to 22/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
13/01/22 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination is over for students of STD 3-5. Submit the Test Notebooks on Wednesday (12/01/22) or Thursday (13/01/22) between 9:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M. Submitting on other dates is not permitted.
12/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 11 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in January Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 11 on Wednesday (19/01/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Wednesday (12/01/2022) is displayed for students for STD 3-5. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of January month of their respective classes.
Half Yearly Examination is over for students of STD 1&2. Submit the Test Notebooks on Wednesday (12/01/22) between 9:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M. Submitting on other dates is not permitted.
11/01/22 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Tuesday (11/01/2022) is displayed for students for STD 1-5. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of January month of their respective classes.
10/01/22 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Monday (10/01/2022) is displayed for students for STD 1-5. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of January month of their respective classes.
08/01/22 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We have updated the Half Yearly Examination mark sheet for students of JKG & SKG under Marks Section of January month. Parents Teachers Meeting will be conducted on a later date.
Dear parents, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG & SKG, January Week 2 (10/01/22 to 13/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
07/01/22 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Friday (07/01/2022) is displayed for students for STD 1-5. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of January month of their respective classes.
06/01/22 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Thursday (06/01/2022) is displayed for students for STD 1-5. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of January month of their respective classes.
05/01/22 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 10 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in January Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 10 on Monday (10/01/22) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
04/01/22 - TUESDAY
03/01/22 - MONDAY
Online classes for STD 1-8 will start from Tuesday (04/01/22). Use the Online class Link in the E-Learning Portal under Online class Timetable Section in your Respective Classes. No change in Half Yearly Exam Dates. Exam starts from Thursday (06/01/22). Details about the exams will be discussed during online class.
02/01/22 - SUNDAY
There will be no Physical classes for students of STD 1-8 from Monday (03/01/22) to Monday (10/01/22). Online classes for STD 1-8 will start from Tuesday (04/01/22). Online class link and timings will be announced in the E-Learning Portal by Monday (03/01/22) evening.
31/12/21 - FRIDAY
Dear parents, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG & SKG, January Week 1 (03/01/22 to 07/01/22). All the students must attend the live classes.
Google Meet classes for JKG & SKG for Term - III will commence from January 3rd 2022.
29/12/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Half- Yearly Exam will start from Thursday (06/01/22) for students of STD 1-10. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Half-Yearly Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, வகுப்பு 1 - 10 மாணவர்களுக்கான அரையாண்டுத் தேர்வானது வருகின்ற 06/01/22 (வியாழக்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. அரையாண்டுத் தேர்வுக்கான கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
27/12/21 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, There will be Parent Teacher Meeting for the students of JKG & SKG in the month of January. Dates will be announced later.
24/12/21 - FRIDAY
We the Management, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of St. Joseph's Academy Matriculation School, wishes all the children a Merry Christmas and a New Year!.
24/12/21 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, There will be no Google Meet and YouTube Live from 25th December to 2nd January for Students of JKG and SKG. Term III portions will begin from 3rd January 2022 as usual.
Dear Parents, From 25th December to 2nd January will be holidays for students of STD 1 to 9. School will reopen on 3rd January 2022.
23/12/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, JKG & SKG students must submit their Half Yearly Examination Answer sheets on Thursday (23/12/21) before 3:00 P.M.
23/12/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Thursday (23/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
22/12/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Wednesday (22/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
21/12/21 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Tuesday (21/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
20/12/21 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Monday (20/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
18/12/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Saturday (18/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
17/12/21 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Friday (17/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
16/12/21 - THURSDAY
Mid Term - II Toppers of STD 1 to 10 is updated under Marks section of December month. Congratulations to all!
16/12/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Thursday (16/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
15/12/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Half Yearly Examination Question paper for Wednesday (15/12/21) is displayed for students for JKG & SKG. Find your child's Question Paper under Exams Section of their respective classes.
14/12/21 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, You are reminded to pay your child's pending Term fees and other dues on or before Monday (20/12/21) to avoid your burden of paying all the terms fees together. Date of Payment will not be extended further. If paid ignore.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, தாங்கள் தங்களுடைய குழந்தையின் பள்ளி பருவ கட்டணம் மற்றும் இதர பள்ளி கட்டணத்தை திங்கள் கிழமை (20/12/2021) அன்று அல்லது அதற்கு முன்பு தவறாமல் செலுத்தவும். பள்ளி கட்டணம் செலுத்தும் தேதி மேலும் நீட்டிக்கபட மாட்டாது. பள்ளி கட்டணத்தை முன்பே செலுத்தியவர்கள் இந்த அறிவிப்பை தவிர்க்கவும்.
11/12/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, Half- Yearly Exam will start from Wednesday (15/12/21) for students of JKG & SKG. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Half-Yearly Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions. On the day of each exam, question paper will be sent in the Morning (9:00 A.M.). You will find the question paper under Exams section, kindly click and attend the exams.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, JKG மற்றும் SKG மாணவர்களுக்கான அரையாண்டுத் தேர்வானது வருகின்ற 15/12/21 (புதன்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. காலாண்டுத் தேர்வுக்கான கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தேர்வு நாளன்று காலை 9.00 மணிக்கு வினாத்தாளானது EXAMS SECTION-ல் கொடுக்கப்படும். அதை தேர்வு செய்து தேர்வு எழுதுமாறு அன்புடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
08/12/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 9 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in December Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 9 on Monday (13/12/21) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
06/12/21 - SATURDAY
Dear students, Lesson Allotment (STD 1-10) and Homework Schedule (STD 3-8) for the month of December is displayed in Homepage. Check your class and follow accordingly.
04/12/21 - SATURDAY
Dear parents, No Live classes for JKG & SKG as Portions for Term-II is completed. Google Meet classes will be conducted as usual.
03/11/21 - FRIDAY
பெற்றோர்களுக்கு நினைவூட்டல்
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, இரண்டாம் பருவம் கிட்டதட்ட நிறைவடைய உள்ள நிலையில் தாங்கள் தங்களுடைய குழந்தையின் பள்ளி கட்டணத்தை இன்னும் செலுத்தாமல் நிலுவையில் வைத்துள்ளீர்கள். தங்களுடைய குழந்தையின் இரண்டாம் பருவ கட்டணம் மற்றும் இதர பள்ளி கட்டணத்தை 10/12/2021 அன்று அல்லது அதற்கு முன்பு தவறாமல் செலுத்தவும். இறுதி நேரத்தில் அனைத்து பருவ கட்டணத்தையும் முழுமையாக செலுத்துவது தங்களுக்கு கடினமாக இருக்கும் என்பதை நினைவூட்டுகிறோம். பள்ளி கட்டணத்தை முன்பே செலுத்தியவர்கள் இந்த அறிவிப்பை தவிர்க்கவும். பள்ளி கட்டணம் தொடர்பாக உங்களுக்கு ஏதேனும் தகவல் தெரிய விரும்பினால் பள்ளி அலுவலகத்தை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்.
02/11/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, The 2nd Term is almost getting over and your child's fees are still pending. You are reminded to pay your child's pending Term fees and other dues on or before Friday (10/12/21) to avoid your burden of paying all the terms fees together. If paid ignore. If you have any queries regarding the payment of fees, please contact the school office.
Dear Parents, Uniform Materials are available in our school campus. You can pay and get the uniform material from 10:00 A.M TO 12:00 noon and from 1:30 P.M TO 3:30 P.M.
01/11/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 8 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in December Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignment 8 along with Assignment 7 on Monday (06/12/21) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
30/11/21 - TUESDAY
30/11/21 - TUESDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Tuesday (30/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
STD 1 to 10 Midterm-II Examination dates will be announced after school resumes.
YouTube Live classes and Google Meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG.
29/11/21 - MONDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Monday (29/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
STD 1 to 10 Midterm-II Examination will start from Wednesday (01/12/21).
YouTube Live classes and Google Meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG.
27/11/21 - SATURDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Saturday (27/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
STD 1 to 10 Midterm-II Examination will start from Wednesday (01/12/21).
YouTube Live classes and Google Meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG.
26/11/21 - FRIDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Friday (26/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google Meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG.
School Office will be opened to pay the fees and issuing of Uniform Material.
24/11/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 7 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in November Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their assignment on Monday (29/11/21) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M.
23/11/21 - TUESDAY
TERM-II Textbooks from STD 1-7 are issued to the students today (23/11/21). Those who have not paid the fees are requested to pay and collect the textbooks on or before Tuesday (30/11/21).
20/11/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, You are reminded to pay your child's Term - II fees and other pending fees on or before Tuesday (30/11/21). If paid ignore.
Dear Parents, Uniform Materials are available in our school campus. You can pay and get the uniform material from 10:00 A.M TO 12:00 noon and from 1:30 P.M TO 3:30 P.M.
Dear parents, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for SKG, November Week 4 (22/11/21 to 26/11/21). No Live classes for JKG as Portions for Term-II is completed. All the students must attend the live classes.
20/11/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, You are reminded to pay your child's Term - II fees and other pending fees on or before Tuesday (30/11/21). If paid ignore.
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Saturday (20/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
School office will be open from 9:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M
YouTube Live and Google Meet classes for JKG & SKG will be conducted in the scheduled time.
19/11/21 - FRIDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Friday (19/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG.
18/11/21 - THURSDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Thursday (18/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG
17/11/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 6 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in November Month of Assignments Section. The students must submit their Assignments 5&6 on Monday (22/11/21) between 1:30 P.M and 3.30 P.M
15/11/21 - MONDAY
CONSENT LETTER /ஒப்புதல் கடிதம் . Download, Fill it up and submit on the Reopening day (01/11/21)
14/11/21 - SUNDAY
Dear Parents, From Monday (15/11/21) onwards the school will function as usual. To check classroom details and Timings of your child click here
Dear parents, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG & SKG, November Week 3 (15/11/21 to 19/11/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
Dear parents, Google meet and YouTube Live will resume for students of JKG & SKG from November 15th (Monday).
We the Management, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of St. Josephs Academy Matriculation School, wishes all the children a very Happy Children's day!
11/11/21 - THURSDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Friday (12/11/21) & Saturday (13/11/21) holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG until further notice. JKG & SKG Assignment-5 submission date & time will be announced later.
09/11/21 - TUESDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Wednesday (10/11/21) & Thursday (11/11/21) holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG until further notice. JKG & SKG Assignment-5 submission date & time will be announced later.
07/11/21 - SUNDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Monday (8/11/21) & Tuesday (9/11/21) holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet will be cancelled for JKG & SKG until further notice. JKG & SKG Assignment-5 submission date & time will be announced later.
03/11/21 - WEDNESDAY
The Government of Tamilnadu has declared Wednesday (03/11/21) a holiday due to rain.
YouTube Live classes and Google meet is cancelled for JKG & SKG
Dear Parents, Assignment - 5 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG in November Month of Assignments Section. The Assignment must be submitted on Monday (08/11/21) between 1.30 P.M. and 3.30 P.M.
02/11/21 - TUESDAY
Dear Parents, Uniform Materials are available in our school campus. You can pay and get the uniform material from 10:00 A.M TO 12:00 noon and from 1:00 P.M TO 3:00 P.M.
On Account of Diwali celebration 04/11/21 - 06/11/21 will be holidays for all classes. We wish all the parents and students a Happy and safe Diwali.
30/10/21 - SATURDAY
Dear parents, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for JKG & SKG, November Week 1 (01/11/21 to 03/11/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
28/10/21 - THURSDAY
CONSENT LETTER /ஒப்புதல் கடிதம் . Download, Fill it up and submit on the Reopening day (01/11/21)
27/10/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 4 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG. The Assignment must be submitted on Monday (01/11/21) between 9.00 A.M. and 3.00 P.M.
26/10/21 - TUESDAY
JKG - 11:00 A.M-12:00 NOON
SKG - 9:30 A.M-10:30 A.M
JKG - 1:30 P.M-2:00 P.M.
SKG - 12:30 P.M-1:00 P.M
23/10/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for KG & STD 1 to 8, October week 4 (25/10/21 to 29/10/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
22/10/21 - FRIDAY
Higher Order Thinking Skills-9 answers updated for STD 8. Higher Order Thinking Skills-2 (TERM -II) answers updated for STD 6 & 7.
Assignment-10 for STD 8, Homework-10 for STD 8, Higher Order Thinking Skills-10 for STD 8 Updated.
Assignment-3 (TERM-II) for STD 1-7, Homework-3 (TERM-II) for STD 3 - 7, Higher Order Thinking Skills-3 (TERM-II) for STD 6 & 7 Updated.
20/10/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 3 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG. The Assignment must be submitted on Monday (25/10/21) between 9.00 A.M. and 3.00 P.M.
16/10/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for KG & STD 1 to 8, October week 3 (18/10/21 to 23/10/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
Assignment-2 (TERM-II) for STD 1-7, Homework-2 (TERM-II) for STD 3 - 7, Higher Order Thinking Skills-2 (TERM-II) for STD 6 & 7 Updated.
Assignment-9 for STD 8, Homework-9 for STD 8, Higher Order Thinking Skills-9 for STD 8 Updated.
14/10/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, As per the Tamilnadu Education Department's announcement, Saturday(16/10/21) will be a holiday. The Google meet and YouTube Live classes will continue from 18/10/21 onwards for student of KG & STD 1-8.
Students of STD 1-8 can collect back their Assignment and Homework Notebooks on Monday (18/10/21).
13/10/21 - WEDNESDAY
Quarterly Exam Toppers of STD 9 & 10 is updated under Marks section of October month. Congratulations to all!
13/10/21 - WEDNESDAY
Higher Order Thinking Skills - 1 (TERM - II) ANSWERS for STD 6 - 8 Updated.
13/10/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Assignment - 2 has been updated for students of JKG & SKG. The Assignment must be submitted on Monday (18/10/21) between 9.00 A.M. and 3.00 P.M.
12/10/21 - TUESDAY
Dear Students, We have updated the Quarterly Examination mark sheet for students of STD 1-8 under Marks Section of October month. Only if the parents meet the class teachers marks will be displayed.
09/10/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for KG & STD 1 to 8, October week 2 (11/10/21 to 16/10/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
07/10/21 - THURSDAY
Students of STD 1-8 must collect the Quarterly Exam Marks & Answer Scripts from school along with your parents on 9/10/21 between 9 A.M & 3 P.M. Marks and rank will be updated in E-Learning, after the parents meet the teachers.
04/10/21 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, Every Wednesday Assignments will be given for the students of JKG & SKG. The same should be submitted every Monday, between 9.00 A.M. & 3.00 P.M.
01/10/21 - FRIDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for KG & STD 1 to 8, October week 1 (04/10/21 to 08/10/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
30/09/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Parents, Students of JKG & SKG must submit the Answer Sheets on Monday (04/10/21) between 9.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M.
29/09/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, Students of STD 3 - 8 must submit the Test Notebooks on Thursday (30/09/21) between 9.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M.
29/09/21 - WEDNESDAY
Dear Parents, You are reminded to clear the fee dues including Term - II fees on or before Saturday (09/10/21). If paid ignore.
Dear Parents, Students of STD 1 & 2 must submit the Test Notebooks on Wednesday (29/09/21) between 9.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M.
18/09/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, Quarterly Exam will start from Thursday (23/09/21) for students of JKG & SKG. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Quarterly Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions. On the day of each exam, question paper will be sent in the Morning (10:00 A.M.). You will find the question paper under Exams section, kindly click and attend the exams.
அன்பார்ந்த பெற்றோர்களே, JKG மற்றும் SKG மாணவர்களுக்கான காலாண்டுத் தேர்வானது வருகின்ற 23/09/21 (வியாழக்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. காலாண்டுத் தேர்வுக்கான கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தேர்வு நாளன்று காலை 10.00 மணிக்கு வினாத்தாளானது EXAMS SECTION-ல் கொடுக்கப்படும். அதை தேர்வு செய்து தேர்வு எழுதுமாறு அன்புடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
18/09/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, Quarterly Exam will start from Friday (24/09/21) for students of STD 1-8. We have updated the Timetable, Blue Print and Portions for the Quarterly Examination for your child in their respective classes under Exam portions. You have to write in the concern subject test notebook. On the day of exams, question paper will be sent in the Morning (10:00 A.M.). You will find the question paper under Tests section, kindly click and attend the exams.
அன்பார்ந்த மாணவர்களே, வகுப்பு 1 மற்றும் 8 வரை மாணவர்களுக்கான காலாண்டுத் தேர்வானது வருகின்ற 24/09/21 (வெள்ளிக்கிழமை) முதல் தொடங்க உள்ளது. காலாண்டுத் தேர்வுக்கான கால அட்டவணை, வினாத்தாள் வடிவமைப்பு மற்றும் தேர்வுக்கான பாடப்பகுதிகள் EXAM PORTIONS-ல் அந்தந்த வகுப்பில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. தேர்வக்காக ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள அந்தந்த பாட புத்தகத்தில் தேர்வு எழுத அறிவுத்தப்படுகிறீர்கள். தேர்வு நாளன்று காலை 10.00 மணிக்கு வினாத்தாளானது TESTS SECTION-ல் கொடுக்கப்படும். அதை தேர்வு செய்து தேர்வு எழுதுமாறு அன்புடன் கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறோம்.
18/09/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for STD 2, 6, 7 & 8, September week 4 (20/09/21 to 23/09/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
11/09/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for STD 1 to 8, September week 3 (13/09/21 to 17/09/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
09/09/21 - THURSDAY
Friday (10/09/21) is a holiday on account of Vinayagar Chaturthi.
Saturday will be a working day. Friday's Timetable will be followed. YouTube Live and Google meet classes will be as usual.
Assignment-6 for STD 1-8, Homework-6 for STD 3 - 8, Higher Order Thinking Skills-6 for STD 6-8 Updated. Higher Order Thinking Skills-5 answers for STD 6-8 Updated in their respective classes.
06/09/21 - MONDAY
Dear Parents, Those who have paid the fees term wise should pay the 2nd Term fees before 15th September. Contact school office for the revised amount.
05/09/21 - SUNDAY
Dear Parents, Our TEACHERS DAY video has been uploaded to YouTube. Wishing a very Happy Teachers day to all our beloved teachers.
Click the link to view: https://youtu.be/77U-hbX1CLs
04/09/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Classes Link for STD 1 to 8, September week 2 (06/09/21 to 11/09/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
04/09/21 - SATURDAY
Higher Order Thinking Skills - 4 ANSWERS for STD 6 - 8 Updated.
02/09/21 - THURSDAY
Assignment - 5 for STD 1-8, Homework - 5 for STD 3 - 8, Higher Order Thinking Skills - 5 for STD 6 - 8 Updated.
31/08/21 - MONDAY
Dear Students, There will be no YouTube Live & Google meet Classes for STD 9 & 10 as School re-opens on 1st September 2021. We hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new Academic year 2021-22. Best Wishes!
31/08/21 - MONDAY
Dear Students, There will be no YouTube Live Classes for JKG & SKG as portions for Term-I is completed. Google meet classes will continue as usual.
31/08/21 - MONDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for STD 1 to 8, September week 1 (31/08/21 to 03/09/21). You will find the YouTube live link in September Month. All the students must attend the live classes.
21/08/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for August week 4 (23/08/21 to 27/08/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
15/08/21 - SUNDAY
Dear Parents, Our Independence Day video has been uploaded to YouTube.
Click the link to view: https://youtu.be/npMgmaLzT9I
05/09/2021 - Thursday
For Students of std .1 to 10 First Mid Term test will start from Monday 09/08/2021 to Friday 13/08/2021. Instructions regarding the exams is given in the Important Announcement of your Respective classes.
முதல் இடைப் பருவத்தேர்வு 1 முதல் 10ஆம் வகுப்பு வரை பயிலும் மாணவர்களுக்கு வரும் (09/08/2021) திங்கட்கிழமை முதல் தேர்வுகள் நடைபெறும். தேர்வுகள் பற்றிய அறிவிப்புகள் அனைத்தும் Important Announcement கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Due to 12th Supplementary Exam on the following days, 06/08/21, 09/08/21, 11/08/21, 13/08/21, 16/08/21, 18/08/21 and 19/08/21, school office will be open from 2 P.M to 5 P.M. Other days as usual from 9 A.M to 3.30 P.M
31/07/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for August week 1 (02/08/21 to 04/08/21). As Govt. Hr. Sec (Supplementary Exam) is being held in our school, there will be no YouTube Live classes from 05/08/21 to 19/08/21.
26/07/2021 - Monday
We are starting Mid Term Test - I from 09th Aug 2021. Check in your Respective classes to view the portions.
24/07/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for July week 4 (26/07/21 to 30/07/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
Dear Parents, The Textbooks and Notebooks will be issued from 26/07/21 onwards between 9:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M. those who have paid the fees can come and collect the books.
20/07/2021 - Tuesday
There will be no youtube live class and google meet on Wednesday 21/07/2021 due to Bakrid. Wednesday Youtube live and Google meet will be held on Saturday 24/07/2021.
17/07/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Parents, We are glad to inform you that we are launching the Digital Library of our school for your children to access.
Click the link to view our Digital Library: https://www.stjosephsacademyelibrary.com
Click the link to view Inauguration Video of Digital Library: https://youtu.be/PzeFj0o-gGA
17/07/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for July week 3 (19/07/21 to 23/07/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
04/07/21 - SUNDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for July week 1 (05/07/21 to 09/07/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
26/06/21 - SATURDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for June week 5 (28/06/21 to 02/07/21). Thursday and Friday timetable will be continued in July month. All the students must attend the live classes.
18/06/21 - FRIDAY
Dear Parents, School office and fees counter will remain open on Saturday (19/06/2021), from 9.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m - Principal
17/06/21 - THURSDAY
Dear Students, We have updated YouTube Live Link for all classes for June week 4 (21/06/21 to 25/06/21). All the students must attend the live classes.
12/06/2021 - SATURDAY
Welcome to Academic Year 21-22. This year we have Introduced E-Learning platform where you can find school Announcement and YouTube videos. Kindly check the E-platform everyday for tests, Assignment, Homework and marks under your Respective class.